Tuesday, February 2, 2016

DATE-ed 21st February 2011

Ananya.N.Reddy - “It’s been 10 years now since I tied the knot with him. He was quite a nerd types you know, never been very romantic. What I liked in him was his pure heart and firmness. But human mind always wants more. Every time I hear about men being very romantic I feel short of something in life, being good isn’t everything I felt!”
Ananya -Remember those crazy things you used to do before marriage Nikhil? You always tried hard to impress me. All those outings were so nice. Looks like we have dried out of those things now. 
Nikhil- Come on ‘An’ we are past that age now! We have a kid now and have to concentrate on his future. What kind of childish questions you ask ?
Ananya and Nikhil were married for 10 years working in the IT industry. Their marriage was the much adored inter-state love marriage, bringing in the spices of Andhra and bangra of Punjab together! Hardcore coders and very hard working both of them were. They had scaled great heights in their career. But they had very less time to spend with each other. Their 10 years was actually only 6 years. The rest four years they spent alone as either one of them had to travel. They were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, ‘diya’ a couple of years ago. Yes it took them 8 years to have a baby! Ananya was a stubborn lady. She had targets in her mind. She said “my baby will be born in my house”. She had bought a house 3 years ago with the money she alone had earned (excluding Nikhil’s that is), hence the babyJ.  
“What a life!” one would think. Good career, own house to live, lot of short travels, a baby (future) to look forward to, a loving husband and understanding in-laws. Coupled with it her in-laws take very good care of diya. What else could one want? 
Ananya still missed something in her life. She felt too alone despite having so much around her. She never much cared about it though! Where did she have the time for it? She had moved into a new organization so that she can take care of diya. So it was like two kids. The budding project at her office and diya at home kept her busy 24*7. In fact her parents often complained that they get to hear from her very less these days.
14th February was a special day for Ananya, not just because it was the day she had proposed Nikhil also because it was the day she tied the knot with him. But unfortunately either one would be on a business visit every year on that day. The jinx continued this year too. It was second consecutive year now that Nikhil made a video conference from Paris to wish her for their wedding anniversary. Nikhil now headed Asia and Europe operations of his company, frequently travelled to France and central Europe. Proud of her husband achievements although sad that they couldn’t make it out this year too, she consoled herself saying that “we are doing well in life now, that’s more important. My priority is Diya now. Stupid ‘An’ get back to work (mocking her husband)” 
Nikhil returned that weekend with a lot of gifts (as usual) for all and especially for her. All of them went out to dine that evening. Come Monday, back to hectic routine Ananya thought and said to herself “make the most of these moments An”. That night Nikhil came up with one of the craziest ideas!
Nikhil- ”Tomorrow lets go out for a date!”
Ananya – “Whaaaaaaaat?”
Nikhil – “Lets go out for a date, like old times… I am taking off!!”
Ananya (shocked!) – “Are you serious?”(Now there are good reasons for her reaction. The last time she knew Nikhil took off from work was for their marriage. That also was just a day. All vacations/honeymoon or whatever else happened only during Christmas off!)
Nikhil –“Ya I am. It’s been long since we had a good time. Let’s freak out tomorrow”
Ananya (Reluctant) - “Ok, but what about uncle and aunt what will they think?”
Nikhil (with a grin) – “I have a plan for that!”
So the plan was to leave home as if they left to office and later meet up for their “Date”. Now, Ananya doesn’t drive so she employed a driver for her car. Nikhil does self driving thou.
Monday morning(21st February 2011): 
Ananya left home early. Ananya’s driver dropped her at office and returned back home. Then she waited outside her office gate. Nikhil came after 30 minutes. Ananya was furious by now! She got into the car and screamed “Why were you so late? It’s so embarrassing to stand in the road that long! ”. 
Nikhil (in romantic tone) – “Sorry dear, it took me long to choose the best bouquet for you. (Giving her the bouquet) 
Ananya – “Nikhil, is that you? Or did I get into the wrong car?”
Nikhil – “At your service today Mam. Direct me please.”
Ananya – “Citi Centre please”
Nikhil – “No honey! That’s too close to home. What if Nana (Dad) comes for shopping.”
Ananya-“Come on, Uncle never goes there. Also, you drive so much every day; take a break at least today! ”
Nikhil – “Ok let’s go!”
They went into citi centre and they were behaving like a proper pair. Not much crowd there either. It was a Monday morning after all.  She started asking him to buy almost everything she sees and he was obliging every one of her wish. She thought “His visits to Paris has made him romantic!” They had a sumptuous lunch at KFC. Right after lunch Nikhil asked – “What next?”Ananya replied “Movie of course”.
Nikhil was very choosy about the movies he watches. So he went to the counter and said “King’s Speech?”
Ananya – “Anything is ok with me! Just want to be beside you that’s all”
Person @ Ticket counter – “King’s Speech is at 4pm Sir.”
Ananya- “We can’t go for that then. It’s at 4 and it’s a 2 hr movie. I will have to be at office at 5.45. Ramu (driver) will be there by 6! So no way”
Nikhil (Disappointed) –“Ok! What’s starting in a while?”
 Person @ Ticket counter –“There’s “Disney’s Tangled!” at 2 pm and “Tanu wed Manu” starting in 10 mins”
Ananya – “Tannu weds Mannu”
Nikhil – “No way! That’s a Dubba (dumb) movie”
Ananya – “You said the day was mine!”
Nikhil (Dejected) – “Ok!”
They go into the theatre and see there just about nobody there! And guess what, the guy at the ticket counter actually gave them a corner seat. Ananya was feeling embarrassed! She said”He probably thought that we were you know…. ” Nikhil (laughing)”Ya……………..”
The movie was ordinary masala comedy with too much senti in the end. Nikhil was snoring by the time the movie was over. Ananya sat through the movie thou! She just loved every minute of it.  It was not the movie but the occasion that was special for her. To freak out like this after a long time in life made her ecstatic really! 
It’s good to be systematic in life but when we do too much of it, it just goes over our head really, as in the case of Ananya and Nikhil. They never had such a day after marriage. It was about responsibility, building career, creating wealth! Good great, they did all that fine! But they forgot that life’s about balancing just about everything, including romance! 
Ananya – “Nikhil, you gave me a splendid day! I felt so alive every minute. Sweet heart! This is one of the best days of my life! ”
Nikhil – “We should do such things often I feel. But that’s in the future, let’s live out every minute” Pulls out his digi-cam, pointing to them. He hugs her and says “Say Cheese!!!”…..

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